using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace WebServiceClient {
/*URLElement class below represents a bundle of properties (URL, password, etc) for each endpoint we need to send to...
And the following custom app.configuration section allows us to maintain a list of these URLElements.
copied from here:
and here:
The basic gist is 3 fairly light implementation classes --
URLElement = individual elements, URLCollection = collection of elements, and URLSection = new custom app.config section.
public class URLSection : ConfigurationSection {
//nugget: it seems that the [ConfigurationProperty()] attribute does not work on a static property (maybe that's true for all attributes??),
//so the _URLs *instance* propery satisfies this attribute requirement, but made it private since don't plan on using it directly.
//then exposing the URLs collection as a public *static* property.
//this rigamarole merely allows for the slighty more succint "URLSection.URLs" from the calling code rather than "URLSection.urlSection.URLs"
public static URLCollection URLs { get { return _urlSection._URLs; } }
[ConfigurationProperty ("URLs")]
private URLCollection _URLs { get { return this ["URLs"] as URLCollection; } }
private static readonly URLSection _urlSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection ("URLSection") as URLSection;
//nugget: the xml tag name of the element level nodes must be "" by default
//to change to something else, it looks like one must implement a few more overrides like the ElementName & ConfigurationElementCollectionType properties.
//leaving it as the default seems just fine for current needs.
public class URLCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection {
public URLElement this [int index] { get { return (URLElement) BaseGet (index); } }
protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement () { return new URLElement (); }
protected override object GetElementKey (ConfigurationElement element) { return ((URLElement) (element)).Name; }
public class URLElement : ConfigurationElement {
[ConfigurationProperty ("Name", IsKey = true, IsRequired = true)]
public string Name {
get { return (string) this ["Name"]; }
set { this ["Name"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty ("Url", IsRequired = true)]
public string Url {
get { return (string) this ["Url"]; }
set { this ["Url"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty ("ContextID", IsRequired = true)]
public string ContextID {
get { return (string) this ["ContextID"]; }
set { this ["ContextID"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty ("Password", IsRequired = true)]
public string Password {
get { return (string) this ["Password"]; }
set { this ["Password"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty ("IgnoreWebServiceException", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool IgnoreWebServiceException {
get { return (bool) this ["IgnoreWebServiceException"]; }
set { this ["IgnoreWebServiceException"] = value; }